I assemble objects which I activate by using performative actions to demonstrate their intended purpose. Paired with repetitive action, my handmade and readymade objects link domestic patterns like cleaning, cooking, and personal maintenance, to repetitive fibre techniques like crochet, felting, and printmaking. These actions are often seemingly mundane or redundant, and place the objects in the blurry space between function and non-function for the sake of humour and reflection. My art questions the possibility of failure when prescribing a specific purpose to an object or person, and what this means for performances of womanhood and domesticity. These days, the ideal for the modern woman is publicized online through the medium of the influencer. This role is taken on by (mostly) women, who are endorsed by companies and organizations to persuade consumers by associating their lush online lives and success with products. Miss Stainless gets to work, a performance documented on social media, rearranges the actions of domestic maintenance tasks into little ironic fantasies of the “domestic goddess”.
Materials: Pieced fabrics, wet felted wool, and found objects.
Digital Performance